how to get kids (and big people)to eat broccoli

cut up a head of raw broccoli. put it bowl.  add craisins, diced red onion and celery, chopped crispy bacon and toasted walnuts.  mix one cup of mayonaise with two tbsp sugar and some riesling vinegar.  pour over broccoli mixture and served.  jesus christ, it’s good.  not healty…but goooood!!!


it’s called broccoli salad…and the term salad is used very loosely here folks.  recipe came from my wonderful mother-in-law.  except she uses raisins, sunflower seeds and regular vinegar.  I adjusted for what I had on hand.

3 thoughts on “how to get kids (and big people)to eat broccoli

  1. This sounds amazing! I’m trying it. I’ll let you know if the kids take the bait.

    2 questions:

    1. Do I have to use riesling vinegar or is there a good sub?
    2. Do you make your own mayo. C’mon tell the truth…


  2. are you serious, Kim??? Hell no I don’t make my own mayo. I don’t even really like mayo. I used Hellman’s. It’s what Si likes. I’m more of a Miracle Whip girl…it’s what my grandmother used and I like the sweetness. Simon refuses to eat it, so we go with Hellman’s.

    I do may a great garlic mayo that I can give you. It’s an old Lebanese recipe…we use it to marinate chicken and fish…spread on Lebanese bread and grill it….oh….so good. But, it calls for like 30 cloves of garlic…yeah…it’s really garlicy…but makes a lot.


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