American Artisanal Cheesemakers: Introducing Baetje Farms

**cross posted at Menuism

Artisanal cheese can be found in pretty much every state in the union. I dare you to try and name a state that doesn’t have at least one dairy or creamery. Even the island of Hawaii is home to some great cheesemakers! Over my next few posts, I’ll talk about some of these great American cheesemakers, starting with my home state of Missouri. Continue reading

Culture Magazine

Cheese has always been something MOST Americans have taken for granted. Cheese played an insignificant role in most American families….limiting their exposure to what they found in their neighborhood megamart.  Not anymore….American are not only eating more cheese than ever these days…they are choosing artisan cheeses made my American dairies and creameries.

A new quarterly periodical, Culture Magazine is taking amazing strides to educate us on all things cheese!  Focusing on American cheesemakers, mongers and lovers….a subscription to Culture is the PERFECT gift for the food enthusiast you put up with!

A break in the action…

Well, I have one more final next week and then I will be on holiday from University until mid January!!!  I am looking forward to doing some serious blogging over my break!  Lots of new cheeses have arrived in St. Louis…new farms are on the horizon (possibly including OURS!!) and great new cheesemakers are popping up all over the States!

Over this Holiday season…make an effort to seek out a local cheese maker/cheesemonger in your area.  Select a locally produced cheese or dairy product!  You are not only supporting a local, sustainable business…but you are ensuring a long heritage of artisanal foods in our country!

The School of Artisan Food

I have been wanting to mention this amazing place for awhile now.  As you all know…graduate studies have put a damper on my posting…but this needs to be shared!  The School of Artisan Food in North Nottinghamshire….in the Sherwood Forest….THE REAL SHERWOOD FOREST….in the UK.  I hold dreams of taking classes there in 2010…..let’s hope that dream comes true.  But I hope my UK friends get a chance to get there and enjoy!

The School of Artisan Food


Baking, brewing…cooking, dairy….butchering….pickling and preserving….I AM IN HEAVEN!!!!  Why does all the good stuff open across the pond???  We need a US School of Artisan Food…..maybe they will open one here….but to be honest…I don’t mind the travel required….

Check them out!!